Weicon ranked as one of the Top 100
Award for innovation
innovation champion: Weicon GmbH & Co KG from Münster has received the Top
100 seal of approval. The award honours outstandingly innovative medium-sized
companies. Science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar will personally congratulate
Weicon on this success at the official award ceremony in Weimar. Yogeshwar has been acting as a mentor of the Top 100 innovation competition for twelve years.
behalf of compamedia, the organiser of the competition, innovation
researcher Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke from Vienna University of Economics and
Business and his team examined the innovative power of all participants based
on more than 100 criteria from five categories: innovation-friendly senior
management, climate of innovation, innovative processes and organisation,
outward looking/open innovation and successful innovations.
“Are companies able to create new products, new services, new processes and new business models? And are these achievements mere coincidence or the result of a structured and targeted approach? We analyse these questions at Top 100,” says Nikolaus Franke, explaining his research method.
Weicon is one of the top innovators
Following a scientific selection process, Weicon was ranked as one of the top innovators for the first time. The manufacturer of adhesives and sealants distinguished itself by its exceptionally comprehensive product portfolio and a range of services that no other company in the industry offers in this form.
“We are absolutely delighted to have been honoured as one of the most innovative medium-sized companies in Germany for the first time this year. The Top 100 seal of approval shows that our company and the work we do are greatly appreciated. In particular, it recognises our systematic approach to innovation and the resulting market success. We are future-orientated and want to continue to stand out not only with innovative products, but also with a special corporate culture. The Top 100 award confirms that we are on the right track. I look forward to many more innovative ideas at Weicon,” says Ann-Katrin Weidling, co-partner of the Weicon Group.
Top 100: the competition
1993, compamedia has been awarding the Top 100 seal of approval for
special innovation and above-average innovation success to medium-sized
companies. Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke has been the scientific head of Top 100
since 2002. Franke is the founder and director of the Institute for
Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Vienna University of Economics and Business.
With 26 research awards and over 200 publications, he is one of the world’s
leading innovation researchers. The mentor of Top 100 is science
journalist Ranga Yogeshwar. Project partners are the Fraunhofer Society for the
Advancement of Applied Research and BVMW, the federal association of
medium-sized companies.
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